Express Yourself. You may have Best or Bad feeling. Life is a Bunch of such feelings. 

By the time you know which is Best or which is Bad, you will be at the end of road called Life.
Just speak loud Best or Bad. This will help in many ways
Your friend may have Best things and avoiding Bad things
He/ She can save Time, Energy or Money
•Best service may become affordable or cheap
•Bad service may improve
•And you are doing service to the Society
Why keep quite? Just click to say which is "Manchi" or which is "Chedu" 

Click on the list below to express for the sake of the Society and  help making this website meaningful. Offer your comments and not complaints which should be reasonable and resourceful. 

Health and Medical Services

Finance and Investments:

 Educational Sector:

Entertainment : Cinema, Comment on Films

Political and Social Aspects:



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